
Inlistcontext,returnsalistvalueconsistingoftheelementsofLISTintheoppositeorder.Inscalarcontext,concatenatestheelementsofLISTandreturns ...,Givenanarrayofstringswecanprinttheelementsinreverseorderinanumberofways:my@words=qw(FooBarMoo); ...,Iamtryingtoprinttheelementsofanarrayinreverseorder,startingfromthelastelementtothe0thelement,whenIdontknowthelistcount,without ...,Tryingafewlinesofcodetoman...


In list context, returns a list value consisting of the elements of LIST in the opposite order. In scalar context, concatenates the elements of LIST and returns ...

How to print elements of an array in reverse order in Perl

Given an array of strings we can print the elements in reverse order in a number of ways: my @words = qw(Foo Bar Moo); ...

print array elements in reverse order in perl

I am trying to print the elements of an array in reverse order, starting from the last element to the 0th element, when I dont know the list count, without ...

Use push and pop to reverse and print out an array in Perl?

Trying a few lines of code to manually reverse an array by character and print it out. (yes, i know this can be done by the reverse function).

Recipe 4.10. Reversing an Array

You want to reverse an array. Solution. Use the reverse function: # reverse @ARRAY into @REVERSED @REVERSED = reverse @ARRAY;.

How to reverse an array in Perl using the reverse function

The reverse function is used to reverse elements of an array in Perl. Syntax. reverse @arr ...

Perl | Reverse an array

Using Inbuilt Function: Perl has an inbuilt function to reverse an array or a string or a number.

Perl Reverse Sort Method

The article focuses on discussing how to sort an array/ list which consists of integers or strings in reverse order (descending to ascending).

Reversing an Array - Perl Cookbook [Book]

Reversing an Array · Problem. You want to reverse an array. · Solution. Use the reverse function: # reverse @ARRAY into @REVERSED @REVERSED = reverse @ARRAY;.

Perl Array Reverse() Function: Quick Tutorial

Perl's reverse() function is used to reverse the order of an array. The function returns a reversed array but does not reverse the array.